Coraz częściej widzę teraz wpisy (sorry Władek ale Ty lobbujesz te podejście), żeby cisnąć tony antybiotyków i miliardy badań. Prawda jest taka, że antybiotyk tylko coś wniesie przy ostrym zapaleniu (nie przelwkełym) lub przy zostrzeniu, a może równie dobrze nic nie wnieść i zapewne urlog go podaje, żeby zabezpieczyć pozostałe organy na około prostaty. I takie są fakty czego nie czytam i wiem z doświadczenia to 95% przypadków antybiotyk NIC nie wnosi. Czytałem / znam historie ludzi, którzy kataowali sie antybiotykiem nawet kilka mcy wg antybiogramy i gówno. Podejrzewam Władek, że Tobie za jakiś czas wyjdzie bakteriia i to za pewnie nowa wposiewach. Moim zdaniem Twoja bakteria w cewce to równie dobrze błąd może byc, a kataowałeś ją 35 dni antyhbiotykiem. Według tego co powiedział mi pierwsze kilka cm cewki nie jest jałowe i zawsze coś tam siedzi. Co więc zostaje, moim zdaniem
- Naświetlanie prostaty promieniowaniem czerownym / podczerownym + pulsujące pole magnetyczne (np. Lightmed lub Viofor)
- HyperTermia prostaty (np. ProTermic)
- Posiew nasienia, wymaz z cewki + dożylny antybiotyk wg antybiogramu - miałem tak Cipronex 2 tygodnie, a wcześniej też długie terapie Cipronexem, amoxiclavem zgodnym z posiewem nasienia w tabletkach wg antybiogramu - nie wyleczyło mnie to, wg urologa efekt nie nastepuje od razu - moim zdaniem to ściema
- Suplementy i zioła - wyciąg z propolisu, wierzbownica, wywar z brokuł, zioła od boinifratrów
- Dieta oparata prawie wyłacznie na produktach roślinnych + świerzo wyciskane soki, Post Dąbrowskiej
Co do antybiotyków, przeczytajcie sobie niżej, facet stosował wszytskie możliwe antybiotyki, nawet jakieś super nowe, dozylne i nie wyleczył się nimi
"There is no treatment for prostatitis
and this is from someone who has tried all possible up to date
even research drugs and more than 500 massages along with antibiotics
it is not only due to the bacteria in your prostate
99% of the men around you have bacteria in their prostate
the problem is more neuroimmuno-endocrinological that means that multiple factors play their role, most notably hormones and neurotransmitters.
Its like in chronic fatigue syndrome. One sufferer gets one simple virus like CMV or EBV and he is sick for life, and others have 15 viruses in their bodies and feel no issue at all.
You have to understand that if you want to live through prostatitis. It is how your receptors, cytokines and hormones are affected through the infections not due to the actual infections themselves.
I have tried cipro+avelox+doxycycline together
then a cephalosporin+levaquin+doxycyc line together
then glimbax+avelox+dalacyn together
multiple antifungals
injecting antibiotics in the prostate
finally intravenous vancomycin 100 euros per day treatment for 3 weeks (the most powerful class of antibiotics available for strep infections) in a nephrology clinic
then finally other combinations and research drugs from japan (newest classes of fluoroquinolones to which bacteria have never been exposed before)
results less than dissapointing
all this along with painful drainage massages more than 300 up to today
allright it have to admit symptoms improved like 25-30%
and they stayed like that for a couple of years then got worse
before i couldn't sit in a chair now i can drive for hours without feeling pain,thats all the improvement i got
all the rest of symptoms remain, pain in testicles, and prostate, stinging pain in penis, urgency to urinate etc etc
i still massage my prostate and get white infectious fluid out ever other day
this disease is incurable (probably due to the calcifications too, probably due to the fact that chlamydia and staph/enterococcus hide in many phases(active/cryptic/propagat ing) in ones immune system and offcourse due to hormonal and other factors
what the real deal is that cutting down smoking, caffeine, and exercising (resistance training) which uplifts your hormones (especially testosterone levels conversion rates and ideal cortisol utilisation) was the best approach
not that it heals but the blood stasis is managed and you feel better by far
if you believe that you can be treated by antibiotix... you are completely mistaken and only going to hurt yourself (i suffered a year of side effects post those treatments, most of the time bed ridden from the quinolone headaches, vision and tendon issues)
the only thing you will manage is to make infections completely resistant like i have done and so many other people and end up with cancer
my treatment period lasted for 8 months more or less with no less than 3 abx agents simultaneously plus very painful drenching massages
i have known at least another 50 people who have tried this treatment and much much much more and all failed
their improvement is between 15-30%(rare) and it wanes over the next few years "